Email notifications can be triggered by EFT when files arrive, but out of the box, it doesn’t produce a consolidated report of all files transferred in a single notification. If each transfer only contains a couple of files, this is manageable, but it becomes a nuisance if a transfer includes 2000 files.
Outlined below is a quick route to manage reporting on large volumes of files in a transfer, based on a recent customer proof of concept.
The first is to isolate an “event” that will trigger the rule once all the transfers have been completed for example the “on user logout” event.
The next stage is to configure the rule to run a report of all the files transferred today by the user. This catches all the files that were uploaded. The report we used was the “Activity by User (Detailed)”.
The report parameters can be customised to meet your requirements. For embedding the contents of the report into an email, it is best to set the report output to HTML.
A “send notification email” step can then be added using the macro %FS.REPORT_CONTENT% to embed the output of the report into the email.
Transmission timings.
If the transmission starts late in the evening and finishes after midnight, change the report date range to “last 24 hours” instead of “today”.
Multiple transmissions.
If the user sends multiple transmissions per day, then the report will contain all the files sent for the user that day. This may clutter the report up with file names which are not relevant.
Size of the report
If the report is very large, consider replacing the content of the report in the email with a link. This is easily done by replacing the %FS.REPORT_CONTENT% variable with %FS.REPORT_FIELNAME%.